Everybody loves the warm and fuzzy feeling that autumn brings us. The candles we light that smell like pumpkins and campfire and the lowlights in our hair. Pumpkin picking, leaf jumping and taking care of your skin as the months grow colder. These products make me feel a little bit of this homemade, hand-crafted warmth.
Hair Accesories -
Moon Gals -
Moon Gals sells off of Etsy and is a hair accessories creator. I was sent 5 scrunchies, a small bag and two bag wrist straps. The quality and strength of hold of these products is unmatchable and I am completely obsessed with all of the products I’ve received and I use them like crazy in my everyday life.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MoonGals?ref=shop_sugg
Me, sporting a Moon Gals scrunchie!

FDawkins -
This shop sent us three of their scrunchies. They’re all three different sizes reflecting the three sizes she sells. They’re satin and help your hair to not crease and to not break. They’re very nice and homemade.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/fdawkins?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Brand for bags -
Lilac Hill Designs -
Lilac Hill Designs sent me two bags, one for gardening and one for everyday use, as well as an assortment of body goodness. Their bags are very very high quality and hold a lot and their skincare all smells like home. They also sent me a bird feeder cube, perfect for putting in your gardens birdhouse for your flying friends to munch on!
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LilacHillDesigns?ref=shop_sugg
One Must Dash -
One Must Dash sent me an assortment of their reusable bags. This includes 2 net bags for produce and a few canvas totes. I’ve been taking these around in my day-to-day life and carrying them with pride. Reusable bags are perfect for a purse, a grocery bag or even an alternative bag to take to the thrift.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Onemustdash?ref=shop_sugg
Skincare -
Oil Tribe Mom -
Oil Tribe Mom sent me a variety of their skin care products. This brand is clean beauty and oil based most of the time. I’ve been loving their roll on and toner and everything just smells naturally beautiful. I would recommend this brand to anyone!
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OilTribeMom?ref=shop_sugg
Hands Of Ostara -
Like the last brand, Hands Of Ostara has sent me an assortment of their adorable skincare items, as well as a few extras like crystals and tea. I’m in love with this brand. From their packaging to their scents and their amazing results after using their products. This brand is extremely high quality and super beautifully made.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/HandsOfOstara?ref=shop_sugg
Herbal Moon Apothecary -
Herbal Moon Apothecary sent us a variety of natural makeup and skincare from their shop. I am in love with them, completely head-over-heels obsessed. Their blush in Rose Quartz has become an everyday use item and all of their products have such a minimalist feel and adorable packaging that I keep them out on display even when they’re not in use.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/HerbalMoonApothecary?ref=shop_sugg

Roses + Sunlight -
Roses + Sunlight sent us 4 viles full of insanely beautiful skincare products. We received two face serums and two face toners in beautiful, tall, eco-friendly glass bottles with droppers. I use the toners at least twice a week and the serums in almost every morning routine. I. Am. In. Love. Use code VENUSRISING15 for 15% off!

Blessed Naturals -
Blessed Naturals sent us a variety of their skincare products and we have been testing them all out since. They’re lovely consistency and although maybe packaging could be a little more eco-friendly, we did enjoy their products!
Random (but awesome) -
MBSpirit -
Robert from MBSpirit was kind enough to send us three of his ‘Change Your Life’ books which we have been reading through as well as a beautiful beaded bracelet. He’s so sweet and we love his shops vibes and all of his knowledge.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MBSpirit?ref=search_shop_redirect
The beautiful bracelet from Robert!

Natur-yl -
Natur-yl sent us tooth powders. They are Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal and are perfect. We love this brands minimalist packaging and easy to manage products for a no-hassle way to whiten teeth.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/NaturYl?ref=search_shop_redirect
Pure Organic Ingredients -
Pure Organic Ingredients sent me two of their powders, one being an acai and one being an activated carbon. I have used the acai and loved it and am still waiting on my chance to use the carbon guy. This brand is wholesome and has very eco-friendly packaging and practical products for busy people.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/OrganicIngredients?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Live Pure -
Live Pure sent us lotions and soaps galore. We’ve been loving the natural scents and non-abrasive formulas for our sensitive skin. The packaging is nice, not as eco-friendly as others, but nice. We love the Rose Water Lotion.
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LivePureSoap
Life Potentials -
Life Potentials sent us a few of her lovely sprays! Her company is focused on people’s minds and helping them to get back on track. She does coaching, readings and classes on her site and is an all around amazing human being. She was so sweet in sending us her spray’s and we’ve been loving using them and have been adoring the aura they give us.
In their own words:
“Hi. My name is Diantha, like the flower Dianthus, and I love color. Always have, always will. I’ve studied it, worked with it, played with it, wondered about it, dreamed about it, and developed a business around it. My goal was to change the world through color, and although a lofty and probably unachievable goal, my vision will always be one in which all people learn the value and power of color and how it can support us and transform us as we move through our challenges.
To that end I developed a full line of color sprays which I named after my first book: Simply Color (https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-text&field-keywords=Simply+Color+by+Diantha+Harris). The 15 Simply Color sprays were developed during the time I was doing a lot of teaching about color and I wanted something simple and easy that my students and clients could use to bring in the color they most needed. You see, the colors of the rainbow spectrum relate to our chakras, organs, glands, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual planes. When something is out of alignment, we get sick, or have issues arise in our lives. Being human beings, this happens frequently as we are here to learn, to develop our souls and to raise our consciousness.
So I learned how to use color to our advantage and have taught countless others how to do that as well. For example, the color of red relates to our ability to ground and manifest. It is extremely helpful to use when we lack energy, or want to start a business, or when we desire to manifest something. Or the color of blue relates to peace, calming and communication. When I was learning to speak up for myself, blue was the color that supported me in learning and then doing that, with grace and ease.
Each color also relates to an organ and gland. So on the physical level it can have an impact as well as emotionally, mentally or spiritually. When we have a challenge in life, we use up the color in our energy body that relates to that color and we need to replenish it. These color sprays are like liquid light, carrying the vibrational qualities of each color so that using the spray will help replenish the colors that have been diminished or lost.
I developed 15 Simply Color Sprays, 10 Simply Color Children’s Sprays, 17 Simply Feng Shui sprays, and have 3 Healing Sprays. I also make custom sprays that target an individual’s needs.
One of my favorites in the Simply Color collection is Rainbow. It is a great general spray for elevating one’s spirits and bathing the energy body in the rainbow spectrum. It smells lovely even though the formulas are not created for scent but for effectiveness.
In the healing sprays, my favorite is Angel’s Song which was originally made for a young male who was in crisis. His Grandmother contacted me and told me what was going on and the result was this amazingly powerful but gentle spray. Opalescence is another in this series developed to bring joy, creativity and inspiration to creative endeavors. Originally made for an artist, most people who order this are using it for it’s effervescent, magical energy.
Once I created the color sprays, I also developed a full line of Feng Shui sprays. My favorite in this collection is the Wellbeing one which brings in the vibration of wholeness and wellbeing based in the core of our being. This one targets the middle gua of the 9 in the bagua, which is known as Health. And without health, we have nothing.
The sprays contain a propietary blend of essential oils, flower essences, solarized and charged water, gem elixirs and energetic infusions. Each one is infused with the essence of love because I believe that the vibration of love can elevate the consciousness of the planet to its next level of development. So perhaps my original dream of changing the world CAN come true. With many of us working towards that end, I think it will!”
Shop Them Here: www.lifepotentials.net
Lovely Bits -
Lovely Bits sent us their product for feminine dryness. We didn’t completely understand the product at first glance, but read up on it and have since used it and come to love it! Would recommend research before purchase to learn about it!
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LovelyBitsNYC?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Tickled Pink Airbrush -
Tickled Pink Airbrush sent us a four pack of their airbrush eyeshadows. We personally do not own an airbrush machine, but had a family member who did! Now, more often than not, that family member is using these products we were gifted, but when we got to try them out, they were lovely, just not my shade! I’m sure my family member will be an avid customer now!
Mother Hen Hemp -
This brand sent us a reusable pad!!! It’s so crazy to think how things have sort of gone back to how things started like this. I love the eco-friendlyness of this pad because it means I don’t need to use one-and-done pads eight times a day! LOVE!
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MotherHenHemp?ref=shop_sugg
Haircare -
Beautiful Hair Products -
This brand sent us three of their hair products and being one of the only hair care brands we’ve tried, we are in love!!! I use their leave-in conditioner almost every week at least once since I’ve gotten them and I would 100% repurchase!
Shop Them Here: https://beautifulhairproducts.com/
I Love By Cindy -
This brand also sent us hair care and while I could not vibe with the shampoo (it’s an oil) or the hair oil, I did love the conditioner! 10/10 would recommend! It makes the hair so soft and bouncy!
Shop Them Here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/iLovebyCindy?ref=shop_sugg
