Meet: People Like Us @peoplelikeusco on Instagram
This company makes custom and “people like us” pressed keychains with an aesthetic touch. These keychains are affordable and cute and a perfect addition to keys, a backpack, purse or jacket! I had the chance to catch up with brand owner, KJ, about her company! Read the interview below:

What inspires you?
I truthfully try to find inspiration in everything! I am a busy girl so I had to learn really fast that I won’t always have time to take a vacation to my favorite get-away spot so clear my mind and focus on creating. Right now I am living in Los Angeles for school and it’s one of the most forward cities in the US—that right there is inspiration in itself. In a perfect scenario though, I would feel most inspired if I was up in Washington, sitting on a blanket at the Kirkland Waterfront watching the sunrise. Man, I hope one day I get to do that everyday because it truly inspires me unlike anything else. It’s peaceful and one of the most beautiful sights anyone could see.
What’s your sign and how do you think that plays a part in your life?
I am a cancer and although I don’t know too much about it, I’ve heard they are emotional and i definitely resonate with that haha!
What is the main purpose of your account/brand?
People Like Us Co, started because of my passion to help others. I have a huge heart for victims of human trafficking and once I did a ton of research about the industry I knew I wanted to do something to at least make an effort to change the harsh reality that is human trafficking. I definitely don't have it all together and I am nowhere close to perfect, but isn't that most of us? We all have the capability to make an effort to do amazing things because ultimately—it’s People LIke Us that are going to change the world. I wanted everyone to have a reminder that we don’t have to have it all together in order to have a purpose in this world and to make a difference, for the better.
What is something you love deeply about yourself?
I love how hospitable I am. I can have intentional conversation with anyone I meet and I (hopefully) make each person that I invite over feel at home. I am always hosting house parties and dinners and feel as though its my calling! I love making others feel important and loved.
What’s some advice you have for girls revolving around confidence?
You NEED need need to learn how to talk to yourself because you are your own worst enemy. Treat yourself with kindness, gentleness, and respect. Learn how to not take yourself too seriously! Trust me, this is a hard learning process, but once you learn how to love who you are and the way you were made, you will RULE the world. You are not a reflection of those who don’t love you. Practice this each day and you’ll start to flourish and radiate confidence.
What makes you feel confident?
I feel confident when I spend time around people that are smarter than me. Sounds contradictory, but I have committed myself to always striving to be better and to always be growing and the only way I will do that is if I surround myself with better businessmen + women, more generous people, smarter people, etc.
What have you had to overcome that’s made you who you are?
I had to overcome being a people pleaser. I did this by living out my life with this motto: it it’s not a “Hell Yes!!!” , it’s a no. This goes for decisions I make, people that ask me to hangout, etc. It has made me stronger, more determined, less exhausted, and has allowed me to only do things that make me happy.
Who are your biggest inspirations?
My biggest inspiration is my mom. She has overcome so much in her life and made the tough choice of pushing forward despite everything that was trying to hold her back. She is confident, independant, strong, and always puts my sisters and I in front of everything.
What’s your beauty/fashion go to?
I just went minimalist in spite of the fast fashion industry! This sounds boring, but now I only own a few articles of clothing that all consist of solid, neutral colors! My favorite store is Everlane and their company is crushing it!
What would you say is the best thing about you?
The best thing about me is my kind, gentle, and soft-spoken demeanor. This breaks down a lot of barriers when it comes to meeting new people and has given me a huge community of the most amazing people.
What does feminism mean to you?
Feminism to me, means empowerment. I think every male + female should feel proud to be who they are and use their own special talents, personalities, and abilities to make a positive impact on this world! We see a lot of people that have different views as us, they act different than us, they dress different us, they don’t believe in the same things as us, but here’s the bottom like.. It’s not people like them, its People Like Us. Let’s strive to bring unity, not create division. Sometimes feminists hate men but then preach equality and unity, but we are never going to get there if we continue to separate ourselves from others. Let’s remind ourselves that nobody around us is perfect, but neither are we!
