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Boss Bitch Spotlight - Ellen Everett

Writer's picture: ShelbyShelby

Ellen Everett (@ellenallbreyeverett) is a up and coming, fantastic young writer. She has a poetry book, 'i saw you as a flower' out now and we were lucky enough to receive a copy to read, cry over and love. The book is a story, with 199 pages of smaller stories. While this whole book is incredibly beautiful and we loved the whole piece, everybody has their favourites in any story (or poetry) book. Now, while I want you to purchase and read and cherish this book for yourself, I will share one poem I loved and felt in my bones and leave the rest up to you. Mystery is the greatest power.

Page 48:

'your words are piercing me like needles

that are breaking through my skin.

from the outside i seem numb,

but i'm stinging from within.

i tell myself that words can't cut me,

but yours are like a group of knives --

and they're whittling at my heartstrings,

shaving what i thought was mine.

sometimes they cut so deeply,

my heartstrings are holding by a thread,

but your words can only carve so deep --

they'll never leave me dead.'

Now, read it for yourself for more of this heartfelt beauty.

What inspires you?

When it comes to writing, I’m inspired to write by knowing that my words can help others. Every time I receive messages from readers telling me that my book has helped them to heal from unhealthy relationships or find their self-worth, I am encouraged to write more. Just knowing that my experiences and insight could help a person heal is enough to motivate and inspire me to keep writing. I want my readers to see my words and seek to find love in themselves before they find it in anyone else. I want my words to reach as many people as possible and leave an impact. That is what keeps me going.

What’s your sign and how do you think that plays a part in your life?

I’m a Virgo. (Barely because my birthday is on September 22.) But to be honest, I’ve never read much into it or felt that it had an impact on my life.

What is the main purpose of your account/brand?

My name, Ellen, means “a bright light; a torch.” And that is exactly what my goal is with my account and with my book, ‘I Saw You As A Flower.’ I aspire to be a light for others and spread positivity. One of the poems from my book reads, “Radiate so much positivity that the sun rises each morning to compete with your light.” That is what I wish from my account and my words.

What is something you love deeply about yourself?

Personally, I like how self-driven I am. In school, at work, and in my writing, I have always been able to motivate myself to finish what I have started and to my best ability. I’m the type of person who can’t stand to do something halfway. I am determined to do it to the best of my ability the first time. I have always had big dreams, and I am a firm believer that if you put in the effort and genuinely believe in yourself, anything is possible.

What’s some advice you have for girls revolving around confidence?

The biggest piece of advice I have for girls is to stop comparing yourselves to other women. I know that this is easier said than done. We all struggle with comparing ourselves to others from time to time. I have always loved the quote by Teddy Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” I believe in this wholeheartedly. The more we look at what others have, the more we look at ourselves and at what we do not have. For example, I have curly hair. When I look at girls with long, straight hair, I immediately think about how beautiful their hair is and how I wish mine looked the same. But then I have to remind myself that girls with straight hair may think the same about my hair. I remind myself to be content and confident in what I was born with! Just because someone is different than you, does not mean that you aren’t beautiful! We all have beauty to share. Once you start believing like that, your confidence will skyrocket.

What makes you feel confident?

My confidence stems from me not letting what other people think about me consume me. This has always been difficult for me, because I have always been a people pleaser and want others to like me and think positive thoughts about me. But we are always going to face negativity, and once I decided to not let negative thoughts dictate how I feel about myself, I have become a much more confident person. Another thing that makes me feel confident in myself is smiling. My first year of college two years ago, I decided that every time I walked into a classroom, I would walk in the room smiling, regardless of what was going on. This absolutely worked wonders for me and my confidence. People that I had class with that I didn’t even realize I had impacted, later contacted me (even a year later) and told me what an impact I had on them and said that since having class with me, they had been working to become a more radiant person. I had no idea that me smiling as I came into class could have that much of an impact on people. I just knew that it made me feel good. It just goes to show how such a small act can not only boost your confidence, but also radiate to other people and make them want to have that same positive atmosphere about themselves.

What have you had to overcome that’s made you who you are?

I have always chosen to see the best and the good in people— and sometimes in people who genuinely have not had good intentions with me. I overlook people’s flaws because I see the good in them. Because of this I have had some extremely negative people in my life who made me lose sight of my self-worth for a time. The experiences that I went through with those people have forced me to really think about the people I surround myself with and become more aware of their true intentions. I’m so thankful to God for helping me out of those times and grow from them into a stronger person.

Who are your biggest inspirations?

God has been the biggest inspiration for me. I wouldn’t have been able to write my book had it not been for God allowing me to experience what I have. Another huge inspiration for me has been my Nana. Since I was little, she has always loved flowers and she has shared her love for flowers with me. She has always been such a positive role model and I’ve been blessed to have had her radiant spirit in my life.

What’s your beauty/fashion go to?

As for makeup, Maybelline BB cream. It’s a must for me -- makes my skin feel heavenly.

As for clothes, I’m a casual girl. My go to is a graphic tee, denim skirt, and a pair of high-top converse.

What would you say is the best thing about you?

Probably my heart. I genuinely care about other people and want the best for them no matter what.

What does feminism mean to you?

I believe in equal rights and opportunities for men and women. I think that nowadays when people think of “feminism,” they think that being a feminist means that you think females are superior. And for me personally, that is not what feminism is about. Men and women are equal. I am all for women empowerment, I am a woman. Of course I’m all about girl power. We are awesome. But I think the same about men. We both deserve the same opportunities, and anything past that I don’t really get into.

We love this lady and hope you will too.


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