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Boss Bitch Spotlight: Delphine Bedient

By Shelby Hall

A few months ago I had the chance to speak with and try out the designer, Delphine Bedient. The brand is based in Portland, Oregon and is all about well pigmented, natural ideas and interested concepts for their garment shapes, being puff sleeved, longer or more blatantly cropped.

In the following photos, I modeled their Claudia Dress and my roommate, Natalie, modeled their crop top in fig. I love their silhouette’s and warm, cozy shades of color.

Shop Delphine Bedient here:

What inspires you?

Pure pigment, nighttime walks, utility and function, the discarded items I see on the street, being out of my aesthetic element.

What’s your sign and how do you think that plays a part in your life?

As a gemini I am creative and curious.  The mutability of this sign means that I am quick to try out new ways of being.  Fashion-wise, this translates to constantly trying out new looks, being fluid, perpetually evolving.

What is the main purpose of your account/brand?

I started designing clothes because I wanted to make the kinds of things that I like to wear.  I value garments that are simple, well-made, attractive, and functional and I wanted to see more of those, with my specific aesthetics, out in the world.

What is something you love deeply about yourself?

I am a highly perceptive person and I notice and appreciate details that not everyone does.

What’s some advice you have for other people revolving around confidence?

It’s often the case that you are your worst critic and biggest enemy.  Confidence begins with self-acceptance, and that’s a hard mountain to climb, but so so worth it.

What makes you feel confident?

Loving what I’m wearing, being organized, being with people who make me feel valued.

What have you had to overcome that’s made you who you are?

My own crippling self-doubt and anxiety, fear of the unknown, falling into and climbing out of so many various holes.

Who are your biggest inspirations?

Agnes Varda, Ray Johnson, Yves Klein, Monica Vitti, Jesse Kamm, the gal who runs Trouble Coffee in San Francisco, Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich.

What’s your beauty/fashion go to?

Lately I’ve been into monochromatic outfits, and sneakers with puffed sleeve dresses.  Except for lipstick, I never wear makeup.

What would you say is the best thing about you?

I’m very earnest, and it’s important to me that I follow through and do what I say I will do.

What does equality mean to you?

Ensuring that people have the same amount of opportunity, the same chances.  This is different than equity, though.

What is your mission statement/what does your brand name mean?

My brand name is the same as my own name.  I’m a bit allergic to mission statements, but I try to run my brand with a mild irreverence for the various “shoulds” in the world.  I like things to be a bit over the top, but still in some way practical. I try not to take things too seriously.


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